

An inclusive Stadium

The Allianz Stadium is the home of Juventus, an inclusive place where the club wants to ensure that fans enjoy the best possible experience. For this reason, the stadium has 280 seats dedicated to people with disabilities, which are allocated free of charge to:

  • fans with 100% disability percentage
  • fans with walking disabilities who use wheelchairs (regardless of the degree of their disability)

If the fan with a disability requires continuous assistance, they will be able to request free accreditation also for their accompanying person, who must necessarily be of age; the club has in fact reserved the same amount of seats (280) for people who will provide support for fans with disabilities during the match.

For safety and accessibility reasons, the seats earmarked for disabled fans are located in specific sectors within the stadium (Tribuna Nord and Tribuna Sud), to meet the particular access needs of wheelchairs and persons that have difficulty walking.

Accreditation Procedure

To make it easier to access the stadium, Juventus has set up an online accreditation service that enables disabled fans to request free accreditation (subject to availability) for the desired match.
To use the Fans with Disabilities Accreditation Service, you must first register with the online accreditation system at the bottom of this page and fill in all the required fields with your personal data, taking care to upload a copy of:

  • A 100% civil invalidity certificate which clearly and unequivocally shows that the degree of disability recognised is 100%, without specifying the diagnosed pathology (if this is present, it must be inked out)

or alternatively

  • A Certificate of disability which clearly and unequivocally indicates the fan's condition as non-ambulatory and requiring a wheelchair.

If the disabled fan is entitled to continuous assistance, this condition must be indicated on the certificate itself (100% civil disability certificate with the right to continuous assistance).

These certificates of disability must have been issued by the National Social Security Institute (INPS) according to the Institute's current procedures or by another body and then subsequently approved by INPS.

Accreditation phases

Once registered, it will be possible to request free accreditation at the following times:

  • from 9:00 am on Monday to 6:00 pm on Wednesday (unless availability has run out before this deadline) of the match week for matches played on Friday / Saturday / Sunday / Monday;
  • from 9:00 am on Wednesday to 6:00 pm on Friday (unless availability has run out before the deadline) of the week preceding the date of the match for matches played on Tuesday / Wednesday / Thursday.


  • Anyone who acquires an accreditation means someone else goes without. Users are therefore asked not to request accreditations unless they are reasonably certain they will actually be able to use them.
  • The maximum number of tickets allowed for each purchaser and for each match is 4: therefore, an applicant who applies for accreditation with a companion can purchase up to a maximum of 2 other tickets on the Official Ticket Shop. If a higher number of tickets is purchased, the accreditation will not be issued.
  • Regular tickets alone do not enable people in wheelchairs to access the stadium. Therefore, it is important to realise that the purchase of a standard ticket will not allow access to the facility.

Season tickets for fans with disabilities

In addition to accreditation for individual matches, Juventus offers its disabled fans the possibility of purchasing a season ticket for the same sectors indicated above (Tribuna Nord or Tribuna Sud) at a heavily discounted rate, communicated during the Season Ticket Campaign.

By signing up for the season ticket, fans with disabilities have the opportunity to secure - for themselves and their accompanying person - a place for all home games of the football season, a guarantee that they would not have through the individual match accreditation procedure, which is instead subject to availability of seats and the “first come, first served” principle (order of application).

The season ticket is reserved - exclusively - for fans with disabilities who meet the requirements foreseen under Section 1 of this page.

Fans with disabilities who wish to purchase a season ticket for the 2024-25 season can contact the Juventus Fan Service at the special number (+39)

Once the registration procedure has been completed and approved, the fan will be contacted to complete the purchase and make the payment. In addition, during the following days, the fan with a disability holding a season ticket will also receive the season ticket for their accompanying person at their email address with instructions on how to finalise the purchase for the accompanying person for each match.

As it is strictly personal, the season ticket for fans with disabilities does not allow name changes and cannot be sold on. It is also not subject to the minimum percentage of use of the season ticket in order to be granted the right of first refusal for the following season.

Italian sign language translation

To ensure greater inclusivity and accessibility for deaf or hearing-impaired fans, Juventus has decided to translate all pre-match press conferences of the men's first team into Italian Sign Language (LIS), as well as the Juventus anthems and service messages communicated by the announcer during home matches at the Allianz Stadium.

The translation of the press conferences will be available on the Juventus.com website.

To access the translation, simply register and connect at the time of the conference!


Juventus has launched a platform in the spirit of inclusivity and accessibility, through which – for every home match of the men's first team at Allianz Stadium – the Club will offer visually impaired fans in the stadium a comprehensive live audio-descriptive commentary of the match, provided directly from the press box by a dedicated commentator.

To access the service, it is sufficient to have any smartphone or device with internet access and use the dedicated link or QR code. The link must be requested to the Fan Service for the interested match as follows:

  • By calling the number +39 0114530486
  • By filling out the dedicated form, accessible by clicking on the following button

Once the validity of the ticket has been verified, the Fan Service will send the link/QR Code to the requesting person.

By clicking on the following button, you can download the guide with useful information for using the service effectively.

Service currently available only in Italian.

Accreditation for away matches

Juventus does not manage accreditation requests received from its fans with disabilities for the club's away matches. In this regard, it is advisable to contact the DAO (Disability Access Officer) of the host team.

How to enter the stadium

Data treatment policy
